"The beauty you see reflects in your heart. As a photographer, you don't just capture images, but unveil the soul of the world through your lens."


I'm Sahar. My photographic journey is a reflection of my personal evolution. I’m a passionate photographer with a love for capturing the beauty in fashion and products. I bring creativity, detail, and heart to every e-commerce project, turning ideas into stunning visuals.
My love for painting balances the intensity of my work, reminding me of the harmony that exists between passion and serenity.

I invite you to explore my portfolio. I’d be honored to connect and collaborate.

Tina Sahar

Fotografie für jeden Moment

Ich biete professionelle Fotoshootings in verschiedenen Bereichen an:

Produktfotografie: Präsentation deiner Produkte im besten Licht.
Paarshootings: Eure Liebe in authentischen Bildern festgehalten.
Porträtfotografie: Ausdrucksstarke Porträts für jeden Anlass.
Kontaktiere mich für dein persönliches Shooting.

Email: [email protected]

Tell: 01781003436

Let’s get in touch